'Illuminati planned UFO events for 2012+ & silenced NWO researchers' - 2010

9 months ago

Uploaded by Xendrius on May 8, 2010

"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VLxwS5fDgs Proof of Demonic influence on Illuminati agents.

Unless you have spent a few hours on the Illuminati and have seen documentaries like Zeitgeist part 2 and 3, this will not make sense to you, so before watching, you should research the Illuminati more, starting with the documentation by William Guy Carr (book Pawns in the Game, free on the internet in PDF).

This video just scratches the surface, watch all the other videos here on this channel, especially the video "Reptilian Eyes Explained", and "Bill Cooper - The Satanic 9/11 Ritual).

If you still have doubts about UFOs or still need some visual evidence as well as the testimonies of respected NWO researchers, here is the video to see.

Covers John Todd's, Kent Hovind's, Bill Cooper's and Fritz Springmeier's reesarch into ufology, the disclosure project hoax, and the Illuminati plan for 2010-2012 and more.

This is a very important video, I wish everyone in the world could see it, even if people don't believe it now, they certainly will once when the Illuminati plays their UFO card, and trust me, after all the disasters, earthquakes, polution, oil-spillage and fuelshortage the Illuminati will move for phase 2.

Noone knows what they plan to do next but they certainly plan to depopulate the planet by around 6 billion, They will probably do it after they have dealt with
all other WMD countries one by one or try to create their third world war as Albert Pike noted.

I don't know how they will be able to depopulate us but it is reasonable that it will occur before they establish their world government. Because they still need some people to go along with the system."

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