Nail Salon Workers Are Exploited. A New Bill Could Change That.

2 years ago

Nail salon workers face low wages, non-existent benefits, and hazardous conditions. 82% of manicurists in NY are victims of wage theft. But a historic new bill led by Jessica Ramos in the NY State Senate could change that — and be a model for workers nationwide.

Adhikaar and allies have been pushing for years to get stronger protections for nail salon workers. Their movement has secured several wins since 2015, when a New York Times report exposed the horrific conditions and rampant wage theft in the industry.

This bill, The Nail Salon Minimum Standards Council Act would give workers a say in their pay and working conditions and deliver better lives for thousands of NY manicurists. Legislators hope it could serve as a model for other industries where workers aren’t able to negotiate with big employers.
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