Introduction to SCP LS

10 months ago

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-LS is to be contained within a simulated natural environment resembling various wilderness areas worldwide. SCP-LS's containment area must be equipped with traps and countermeasures to deal with SCP-LS's predatory behavior. Surveillance systems should be installed to monitor SCP-LS's movements and activities.

SCP-LS is to be told that it is participating in a television program called "Survivorman." SCP-LS's containment area is to be furnished with cameras, allowing SCP-LS to record its survivalist activities. These recordings should be monitored by assigned personnel and archived for study.

No staff are to be visible within the containment area, as SCP-LS is under the belief that it is alone and surviving in the wilderness. Occult scholars and military personnel should observe SCP-LS from hidden observation posts. During the recording sessions, SCP-LS should be provided with essential supplies that are carefully placed within the containment area to simulate natural discovery.

Once every seven days, SCP-LS should be escorted out of the containment area under the pretense that the filming is complete. SCP-LS is to be interviewed and debriefed, while a new wilderness simulation is set up for the next "episode."

Due to SCP-LS's unique reproduction mechanism, extra precautions are necessary. After every episode, SCP-LS will undergo a binary fission-like process, dividing into two genetically identical instances. Both instances of SCP-LS must be contained separately in identical environments to prevent uncontrolled reproduction. These instances are to be labeled SCP-LS-A and SCP-LS-B. One instance will continue filming the next episode, while the other is held for observation and study. Should SCP-LS-A or SCP-LS-B become unmanageable, they are to be terminated and replaced by the other instance. The roaming duplicate SCP-LS should be terminated if it becomes aggressive or unmanageable.

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