Psychopathy, Narcissism, and the Trans Deception. An interview with Jon K. Uhler, LPC

1 year ago

In the following interview, hosts Chris and Hunter, of 'The Melt Podcast,' ask trauma therapist and Sex Offender Treatment Professional, Jon K. Uhler, LPC, about his background working with high risk sex offenders and sexually violent predators, surviving trauma, the steps to psychopathy, sexual deviance, the apologist myths around pedophiles, the trans agenda, and much more.

This video is only a portion of the actual extended interview. If you would like to access the entire interview, visit Chris & Hunter's site (Jon has no financial interest, and he does not receive any financial compensation for, directing people to 'The Melt Podcast'):

Note: Jon was nearing the end of a 30-day fast for health purposes when he gave this interview. That is why, during this particular interview, his voice sounds horse, his face appears thinner, and he appears to struggle with enunciation due to a continuously dry mouth (a reported result of a 4-week "water only" fast).

Jon K. Uhler's Twitter page:

Youtube: @JonKUhlerLPC

Jon K. Uhler's websites:

Additional resources from Jon K. Uhler:

Unmasking Lea Thomas: How Deviant Men Gain Direct Access to "Get Off" by Accessing Women & Kids.

Jon K. Uhler's first interview about Sam Brinton, after news broke of Sam Brinton's first luggage theft: 'The Dangers of Promoting Sexually Deviant Men into Positions of Power.'

Jon K. Uhler's interview on TECN.TV, after news broke of Sam Brinton's second arrest for stealing women's luggage and underwear:
The Profile of the Sophisticated Perpetrator: A Sex Offender Treatment Provider Assessment:

UK version of 'The Profile of the Sophisticated Perpetrator: A Sex Offender Treatment Provider Assessment':

What Schools are Keeping from Parents: How Predators are accessing minors through the Trans Movement

For more information on the characteristics of Sophisticated Child Predators, visit:

What is Grooming? (Pt. 1) Insights from a Sex Offender Treatment Professional.

To better understand the role pornography plays in the role of generating sexual predators, visit:

For a repository of useful information about the dangers of Trans Movement, visit the following:

To see the unique nature of Jon K. Uhler's forensic clinical work behind bars with incarcerated sexual predators, visit:

Jon K. Uhler's full bio can be accessed at:

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