How To Teach ChatGPT Your Style, Tone Of Voice, And Brand - Detailed Tutorial

10 months ago

Write the following: Analyze the following text for tone of voice and style. Apply that exact style and tone of voice to all your future responses:

This video is a tutorial on how to train Chat GPT-3, a language model developed by OpenAI, to write in a specific style and tone of voice. The tutor in the video explains that the chatbot can be trained to either write in the user's style or someone else's. He demonstrates this by using as an example of a website with a humorous and sarcastic tone.

The first step in the training process is to analyze the text for tone and style. The tutor explains that this can be done by sending a prompt to the chatbot asking if it is able to analyze text for tone and style, and if it confirms, the user can then provide the text to be analyzed. Once the text has been analyzed, the chatbot applies the exact style and tone to all future responses in that one chat.

The tutor then shows an example of how he trained GPT-3 to write in the style of He copied an article from the website and pasted it into the chatbot, which then analyzed it for tone and style. The tutor then prompted the chatbot to write a 300-word blog post in the style of, and it responded with a humorous and sarcastic piece about the Fast and the Furious Part 6.

The tutor concludes the video by saying that it's hard for a chatbot to write humorously and sarcastically, but the example demonstrates that GPT-3 is capable of doing so. He provides the contents of the tutorial in the video description for viewers to copy and paste.

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