How they look in micro zoom in 1000X ? Laptop,Tissue,screen,flyes

1 year ago

I can describe how a laptop, tissue, screen, and flies look in a microzoom.

Laptop: In microzoom, a laptop would look like a complex machine with many tiny parts. The individual pixels on the screen would be visible, as would the circuitry and components inside the laptop.
Tissue: A tissue would look like a thin, fibrous material. The individual fibers would be visible, as would the microscopic organisms that live on the tissue.
Screen: A screen would look like a grid of tiny squares. The individual pixels on the screen would be very clear, and you would be able to see the different colors that make up each pixel.
Flies: Flies would look like tiny, insectile creatures. Their wings, legs, and antennae would be very clear, and you would be able to see the individual hairs on their bodies.

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