How Private Money Lending Can Be a GREAT Source of Income

9 months ago

Private lending is an incredible way to generate income and help other investors with their deals. This is what April Crossley is focused on today, but she also went through the real estate investing route – focusing on flipping properties and owning rentals until she got introduced to the private lending space.

Watch this video to learn more about April’s background and how private money lending can be a great source of income for real estate investors too!

Key Talking Points of the Episode

00:00 Introduction
01:01 What is April’s background?
02:13 How did April get introduced to real estate investing?
03:17 When did April decide she was getting into real estate investing full-time?
04:41 How did April learn about the opportunity to lend private money?
06:34 What did April realize after funding her first private loan?
07:28 What has April learned from becoming a private lender?

Bill Fairman and Wendy Sweet, sibling principles of Carolina Capital Management, have a combined 35+ years of conventional real estate sales and finance experience. They, along with President/CEO Jonathan Davis, serve as consultants for investors, guiding them to network with other investors and educating them in locating and structuring transactions. We put People and Principles ahead of Profit--always.

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