Are We Fed Up Yet?

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Are we fed up yet? Is the church and America fed up? I don't think so. The first words out of a demon plant in the church is hate and attack against any Christian with a different opinion. The church will not stand. It will be the fault of not only those against the church but the fault also because of itself for allowing bigotry, hate, pride, and arrogance into it. When an honest question is asked and an honest answer given without hatred or anger but others attack immediately both the questioner and the one who answered, those who attacked are nothing more than demon plants in the church. This is why only a remnant will still be left, far too many are false Christians and false prophets. The United States of America is lost, only a miracle will save it. Those who are false in the church, who promote Godlessness and attack the truth are like hounds from hell. Like dogs who return to their own vomit, they will return to their own hell. Blessings, +William

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