Ancient Aliens: The Troublesome TRUTH 😮

10 months ago

"And He made the stars also..." - Genesis 1:14-18. Such an amazing little - almost throw away - statement in a bunch of *AWESOME* Infinite Power packed verses!

By a myriad of convincing accounts there are some astounding technologies in the hands of supernal beings moving in and out of the physical realm. Some otherwise erudite researchers (sadly lacking in spiritual vision) push a purely advanced science/materialistic spin on things (it's all aliens!!) but I'm firmly in the supernatural camp: the big issue on this planet is SPIRITUALITY.

If E.T.s are so advanced and spiritual, why so secretive? Why hide for thousands of years and let man go about the really A W F U L process of war, suffering, heartbreak and oftentimes BRUTAL DEATH? What's the point of all the HORROR in a benign ALIEN CREATORS scenario? No point at all besides a frightening irresponsibility or profoundly unloving, coldly scientific sentiments.

For them, keeping mankind under dominion is paramount and maintained by projecting a wide variety of ideas about freedom and "enlightenment" which are anything but. They gain greater control of our lives and influence the entire world using artful deception and no little flattery. We know them as the Ashtar Command or Great White Brotherhood or the Galactic Federation of Light among other misleading nomenclatures. Their intent is never to reveal the actual truth but to spiritually defraud and assimilate mankind into their cunning plans, using influential people as their mouth, hands and feet...

Dr. Jacques Vallee said:

"Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception. We are dealing with a yet unrecognised level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the Earth... I do not believe anymore that UFO's are simply the spacecraft of some race (or races) of extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded history, and the structure of the information exchanged with them during contact."

Contrary to popular belief they haven't arrived from outer space but from the lower heavens/astral realms and travel inter-dimensionally. With that clear in mind we shouldn't follow the default collective naivety and refuse to listen to ANY unearthly or discarnate beings until they consent to come out and greet us in plain sight: and even then we must extremely cautious 'cos the alien visitation/invasion card is a possible move of the angelic powers that be. I can see the hordes of starry eyed new agers gleefully welcoming them!

Dr. Ruckman's a controversial fellow - a little eccentric - but his insight and attitude were second to none. He wrote:

"If fallen angels came to this earth, they would not come floating down, flapping their wings (as you find them at the dime store, in Roman Catholic paintings); they would come down and appear as men. They would be accepted as men; they would be accepted as men from other planets coming down to this earth from outer space; they would be accepted as supermen—“men of another race,” above and beyond the power of ordinary man. All they will have to do is show a few scientific feats, and they will be considered superior to modern man, and they will be accepted as “gods.” They will be held in the utmost reverence by people as “humanoids” with great and vast knowledge. Anybody who opposes these beings will be considered to be a crackpot or a fanatic or dangerous to human progress. When this thing takes place, all the Bible believing people are going to be marked off as nuts! This thing is going to be so perfect and so slick that there isn’t any way for the world to be able to see through it. That is, the world today is eager for visitors from outer space; they are expecting it, longing for it, and looking for it. God’s judgment upon man for despising and ignoring the word of God is to bring visitors down from outer space that are the wrong visitors." - Dr Ruckman (from his Book of Revelation Commentary)

I don't agree with everything Ruckman said (nobody's perfect) but - Love him or loathe him - his insight into the Bible is unique, eye-opening, often profound and shouldn't be ignored.

In short BEWARE. BE AWARE. Nothing is as it seems... We're conceived within and born into DEEP spiritual darkness. Although it appears light here it's a SHAM light the purpose of which is to constantly deceive.

V A S T multitudes are spiritually DELUDED if not completely DERANGED. The young inherit and make their own the Strongest Delusions available. Frankly, we need a SAVIOUR and by Yahshua/Jesus Christ we have a GLORIOUS ONE.

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