Save Our Supplements in Canada Chat + Exploring What The Universe Has to Say

9 months ago

I wanted to share my live podcast chat with @BlytheStarlight as we explore the Supplement regulations trying to be pushed in Canada. We take a deep dive into what really is going on as we know it's likely part of the awakening. Be sure to tune in and share this with anyone you know it could help.

Welcome to the SHINING THE LIGHT ON...PODCAST. Each week Amber and Therese will go live on YouTube to talk about a hot-button issue or trending topic to dig behind the scenes and get intuitive insights.

This week we are talking about Health Canada and their new regulations to negatively impact the supplement and natural health companies.

Questions we asked the cards:

1.Is this a white hat op to clear out the rogue supplement companies?
will this actually stick?
2. Or will we go into phase 2 of the awakening before it impacts companies?
3. What guidance does the universe have for us on this?

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Amber Romaniuk is an Emotional Eating, Digestive and Hormone Expert who helps high achieving women create a level of body confidence, intuition and optimal health through powerful mindset healing, self-care and overcoming self-sabotage with food. She does this through addressing the key negative thoughts, patterns and limiting beliefs that keep women stuck in the same behaviors for years and decades that they haven’t been able to break.

Amber overcame her own emotional eating after gaining and losing more than 1000 lbs and spending over $50,000 on binge foods and spending 5 years balancing her hormones, digestion. She also dismantled her deep limiting beliefs and behaviors keeping her stuck in the same looping patterns. Now she helps others achieve the biggest healing miracles of Body Freedom™ so they have the confidence and health to create amazing lives.

About Therese Tucker: @BlytheStarlight

Therese is a Psychic Medium, Intuitive Artist, Mindset Coach, Author of “Confidence Is Magic”, and founder of Modern Mystic Society. She is the creator of Blythe Starlight, a brand dedicated to creating fine art and metaphysical accessories with a spiritual connection.
For over 13 years Therese has been channeling her self-expression into “Tools of Destiny,” she has been able to provide others with the physical + metaphysical tools to discover their own path to self-trust and fulfillment.
Therese is here to create an impact on the world by helping people make sense of what’s inside of them. She serves as a North Star, providing her audience with clarity and focus on their spiritual journey and the tools to make it happen.


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