Raise Your Hands, RINO Try-hards! | Thu. 8-24-23

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GOP debate try-hards Vivek vs Christie; DeSantis: Raise your hand! Trump border wall fact check. Psaki: No abortion at birth! Take a vacation!

The Hake Report, Thursday, August 24, 2023 AD

0:00:00 Start: TheHakeReport.com has other network hosts
0:01:07 Topics: RINO debate, Trump wall, abortion, blacks
0:03:40 Hey, guys! Yellow cobra snake tee
0:06:00 WOW HASSAN WalkingOnWaterHassan!
0:08:09 TONY, CA: Mike Pence Constitution
0:18:32 Raise your hands, RINOs
0:29:17 Supers: Tony's fake diplomas; Wow Hassan, Lin Yen Chin
0:36:31 Vivek vs Nikki Haley on Israel
0:39:55 Chris Christie vs Vivek
0:42:31 WILLIAM, CA: GOP Debate; Trump anchor
0:46:12 WILLIAM: Morgan Freeman; blacks, Republicans
0:51:33 JOHN, KY: Trump a criminal
0:56:11 JOHN: Larry Elder blames blacks
1:01:04 Gold and Silver - Stavesacre (1999, Speakeasy, orig version)
1:07:46 Supers: Lin Yen Chin: Ted Nugent
1:11:26 DAVID, FL: Pence weak. I'm remarried…
1:15:46 DAVID: Flooded with nonwhites, non-Christians
1:21:41 DAVID: Dems, Oakland crime
1:23:41 Trump's border wall fact check: CNN, Wash. ComPost
1:30:33 Jenn Psaki: No one supports abortion till birth
1:33:48 Ralph Northam: Abortion at birth?
1:41:08 Smithsonian black grovels to dead black body parts
1:45:10 Lonnie Bunch Wikipedia
1:48:22 Vacation is good for you, so is stress (not chronic)
1:55:13 Last Supers/Coffees: Brahma/Abraham, Dilapidated
1:56:03 Contentment - Left Out (1999, For the Working Class)

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