1 year ago

Jean Hosking Prophet of the Lord, delivering truth, judgement and justice, America's freedom is at hand, God's hand, God's Devine plan, satan will be a public spectacle, God's SHOW, God's Glory, Isaiah 60, Romans 11:5, Bewitched church Gal. 3, Babylonian system falling, the Remnant has arisen, demon gods will fall, dismantling of all evil, children will be saved, Puppet masters- Obama, Clintons, Soros, Schwab, etc. judged, treason, death, no escaping their demise, no where to hide, all the inhabitants of the earth will see God's hand of judgement, hollywood elites judged, Excelleration, flood of truth, God's judgment, righteous and fearsome, metes out retribution to the unrepentant. "Vengeance is mine; I will repay," declares the Lord. The flood of Noah, Sodom's fiery downfall, and plagues upon Egypt depict divine wrath. Yet, mercy tempers justice. "Love your enemies," Christ teaches, inviting redemption over retribution. Apostasy: The abandonment of faith and rejection of salvation.

Manna: The miraculous food provided by God to the Israelites, representing His provision.

Divine Grace: God's unmerited favor extended to all for salvation.

Unity: The harmonious bond among believers as a reflection of God's salvation.

Rescue: God's act of saving believers from danger or harm.

Angelic Protection: God's use of angels to safeguard and assist His people.

Messianic Prophecy: Old Testament predictions of the coming Messiah for salvation.

Bread of Life: Symbolic of Jesus as the sustenance for spiritual nourishment.

Eternal Security: The assurance of remaining in God's salvation.

Condemnation: God's judgment upon those who reject salvation.

Anointing: Symbolic of God's empowerment and chosen status for believers.

Renewed Mind: The transformation of one's thinking through salvation.

Living Water: Symbolic of spiritual refreshment and salvation in Christ.

Prophet, Priest, King: Roles that Jesus fulfills for salvation's purpose.

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