Ramaswamy's Law Degree Paid By Soros !!!, 4166

10 months ago

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Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is currently embroiled in a controversy surrounding his financial history and alleged connections to George Soros. This controversy has raised questions about his candidacy and has garnered attention from critics.

H3: Ramaswamy's Defense of Soros Scholarship
Ramaswamy recently defended his acceptance of a $90,000 award from the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2010. This scholarship enabled him to pursue a Juris Doctor in Law at Yale University. It's important to note that this fellowship was named after George Soros's older brother, Paul Soros, a well-known Hungarian-born American businessman and philanthropist.

Ramaswamy asserts that he has no direct or indirect ties to George Soros. He stressed that the scholarship was primarily funded by Paul Soros, an individual who had independently earned his wealth. Ramaswamy pointed out that, given his financial circumstances at the time, turning down such a scholarship would have been imprudent.

H3: Financial Revelations and Wikipedia Controversy
However, recent revelations regarding Ramaswamy's financial records have cast a shadow over his claims. In the same year he accepted the scholarship, he reported a total income of $2,252,209, according to his tax returns. Additionally, he reported a total income of $1,173,690 in total for the three preceding years.

Furthermore, there have been allegations that Ramaswamy paid a Wikipedia editor named “Jhofferman,” to remove information from his page that could potentially damage his candidacy. This incident has raised questions about the credibility and honesty of his campaign.

H3: Criticisms of Policy Positions
Apart from the financial controversies, Ramaswamy has been criticized for his shifting stance on critical issues. Some of the key criticisms include:
Election Integrity: Ramaswamy's changing views on the integrity of the 2020 election have drawn scrutiny.
Support for Mike Pence: His support for former Vice President Mike Pence during the events of January 6th has been seen as inconsistent.
TPP Reconsideration: Ramaswamy's interest in re-entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has been met with criticism.
Immigration Policy: Advocating for "no cap" on educated immigrants has raised concerns among some.
Vaccination: His stance on encouraging vaccination has also been a subject of debate.

H3: Pardons and National Renewal
Ramaswamy made headlines by expressing his willingness to evaluate pardons for members of the Biden family if he were to be elected. He recently backtracked concerning comments he made about pardoning Hunter Biden, asserting that they were taken out of context and are part of his broader vision of American revitalization.

H3: George Soros's Preference
Vivek Ramaswamy is scheduled to participate in the first 2024 Republican presidential debate on FOX News in Milwaukee. Notably, George Soros has publicly expressed his preference for another candidate, Ron DeSantis. Soros described DeSantis as "shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious," and predicted that he would secure the Republican nomination.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day

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