White Supremacy, Racism & Colonialism by Caucasian towards Asian

10 months ago

White Supremacy, Racism & Colonialism by Caucasian towards Asian, the Singaporean experience is very common in HK 白人至上, 白種人對亞洲人的種族主義和殖民主義, 新加坡人的經歷在香港很常見.

Go to a HK supermarket the Caucasian fellow next to you wants you to speed up and give way to his turn not wait for you to bag your items. When jogging in a wide space with open lanes these entitled individuals would come jogging literally behind you so they can say excuse me expecting you to stop running and let them pass. Go to a subway ride in Toronto, the Caucasian guy will go off his seat tap you passive Asian male in particular to let the pregnant lady take your seat while he returns back to his seat. 去香港超市,你旁邊的白人小伙子希望你加快速度,給他讓路,而不是等你把東西裝袋。 當你在寬敞的空間和開放的道上慢跑時,這些有資格的白人會在你身後慢跑,這樣他們就可以說對不起,希望你停止跑步並讓他們過去。 去多倫多坐地鐵,白人小伙子會從座位上下來拍拍你,特別是被動的亞洲男人,讓懷孕的女士坐到你的座位上,而他又回到座位上, 自己不讓位.

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