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How to Stop Mask Mandates - JTS08232023

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How to: Stop Mask Mandates - JTS08232023

1. Scholarly review of Public Health laws/powers
2. WALKTHROUGH: Notice for employer

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Common Law Seminar: www.commonlawpeople.com
Get lawful elections (Operation Josiah): www.commonlawpeople.com/josiah
Red Barn Presentation (Know your status): https://rumble.com/v32pwgu-the-red-barn-presentation-jts07272023.html
Training Trustees (Educate your public servants):https://rumble.com/v32cxsg-training-trustees.html

Christian Nationalism is Inevitable: https://a.co/d/hUdGYjm
Live Local Field Manual (Basics): https://a.co/d/4Gi4O4C
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  • 0/2000
  • This is amazing research! God has given you the gift of teaching. Thank you. Praise God!🙏🏻

  • Thank you. What are your thoughts about a similar document for a federal employee? God bless

  • Thank you so much, Jarrin! God bless you, sir!

  • This was so informative! Thank you!

  • The reason they wanted the 16 year plan Obummer and Killary was to remove the constitution. They hate the Constitution because like you say Jarrin it shows our rights come from God. Government is their religion and reason they hate Constitution soooo much. Even Doctors notes weren’t accepted at the VA. Godless Commies will not stop

  • Thank you Jarrin. This was an amazing video. My wife will be facing these mandates very soon. We live in Michigan, so more people will be in need of these things. Thank you so much for all you have done, or are doing. I have been learning a ton from you. I am currently running for sheriff in my county. So, your lessons have been a God send. Thank you so much brother in christ.

  • “Something went wrong …..”

    1 like
  • Can you put it in the comments

    1 like
  • Jarrin, are you going to post this notice so people can print it and learn from it?

    1 like
  • I wasn’t able to screenshot the entire letter.

    1 like
  • Great job!

    1 like
  • Is it me getting thinner or our beloved patriot Steve’s hair getting thicker? Who has hair like that after 50? How young are you now Steve? Keep doing what you’re doing champ! You do our Lord’s work and our Lord blesses you tenfold. It’s beyond any words what you’re doing daily to restore our once great Republic. A job one never ever gets paid back for aside from the outcome.

    1 like
  • What if the state is your employer?

    1 like
  • Thanks Jarrin for all you do and such an informative video! If the fear mongering continues, Many people will be facing the same harassment they faced in the past few years. We have to be able to defend our rights but knowing them and supporting them with the law.

    1 like
  • Hey Jarrin. Good stuff, thanks for teaching us. Don't forget your browser keeps track of your webpage history. If you lose a webpage you previously visited, you should search there first.

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