Porn App Kyu Dekhte Ho.

1 year ago

Often many people start watching porn to get their little pleasure and to spend time and gradually they get addicted to watching porn. The pleasure one gets while watching porn is really amazing.
1. Makes the brain weak

The biggest disadvantage of watching porn is that it weakens your mind. By watching porn, your memory becomes weak, your ability to think is lost and you do not feel like focusing on any work. Our brain is an important part of our body and if it gets damaged then our whole body will stop working properly.
2. You run after Pleasure

Whenever we watch Porn Movies then a dopamine is released in our brain which gives us a lot of pleasure and we get relaxed, whenever we are very upset or in tension then we start desiring the same fun and To fulfill that pleasure, we start resorting to watching porn again.

But in the process of getting this Pleasure again and again, you become a victim of porn addiction. It doesn't sound that bad but there are huge disadvantages of watching porn.
Once you get a taste of it, you start spending time with yourself and keep distance from your friends and family, the same people who got married, it works to set fire to their married life. .

Their desire to spend the night with their partner starts decreasing, the same young people become victims of masturbation. The big result of this is that incidents like molestation and rape keep coming to the fore in the society.

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