'Bankers Murdered Both Kennedy's for Exec order 11110 Treasury Print' - 2009

1 year ago

Uploaded on Dec 1, 2009

"Correction this is Bobby Kennedys Son, Shortly after President Kennedy signed Executive order 11110 for Treasury to start back printing Interest FREE MONEY, they Printed 4.2 Bil of TREASURY NOTES in accordance with the United States Constitution He was Murdered, Federal Reserve is owned by VATICAN, ROTHSCHILDS & international bankers, see GRACE Commission Report IRS Money went to a TRUST FUND in Pureto Rico from their out to VATICAN,Rothschilds see Fiat Empire, stole our money system 1913, stole Russian banking system 1917, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Vatican=google Black Pope,Jesuits, they have murdered 6 maybe 7 American Presidents and Senators, also google Money Masters 4 hour long film, see truthfultv, and Larouchepac, for hidden hidden history"

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