Bonus EP | "Survivors Whistleblow MK Ultra & Medical A-buse" Featuring Angie, Fiora, Lisa & Emma"

1 year ago

On this bonus podcast episode, I’m excited to co-host alongside my dear friend and host of @onlygodrescuedme , the one and only Lisa Meister!

Joining us this week is a frequent guest on both Lisa and I’s shows - MK Ultra and child abuse survivor, independent investigative journalist, researcher, writer and blogger, YouTuber, podcaster, mother, walking miracle, whistleblower and absolute inspiration: @powerdisney !

And also joining us is one of Lisa’s subscribers from Scotland who disclosed over email to Angie about her medical abuse that was eerily similar to Angie’s and someone who Angie thought would add a ton of value to this conversation and invited on and who a survivor herself, Fiora!

For those of you just tuning into either of our channels, Angie is a generational trauma survivor and her 4 sisters were used in military and government organized MK Ultra projects and endured horrific abuses at the hands of these government organizations as well as their abusive father. And you’ve been here for a while, you know that Angie is an absolute wealth of knowledge and that on every episode she blesses us with, we gain invaluable insight into her life and into the world that we live in.

Angie’s full 5-part testimony can be found on Lisa’s channel and her breakdown of the 5 generations of abuse in her family can be found on my channel - we’ll have all the links below for you to click on and highly encourage you to go watch those episodes as well!

This time around, Angie and Fiora are going to bring attention to a very important subject matter - Medical A-buse - and specifically how it pertains to SRA and MK Ultra victims and survivors. I think we’ve all become more aware of how abusive the medical industry is after what we’ve all witnessed the last few years and in order for us to fully understand it’s abusive nature, we need to understand the hurdles and horrors that survivors face when needing medical intervention. And if you’ve listened to Lisa’s testimony (which you all should do) - you know that her father - who was a Freemason, a practicing occultist, Luciferian and child abuser - was also the town Pharmacist where she lived.

The ways that modern medicine has been infiltrated by Satan and his minions cannot be ignored and what Angie is going to share today is very important to survivors and to us all. We are all at risk for medical abuse and survivors especially need to have strong discernment when it comes to their own self-care.

So, grab a pen and paper you guys because you’re gonna need it! Please help us in introducing our guests of honor - survivors, victors, warriors, overcomers and whistleblowers - Angie and Fiora!

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