S3E22 | "Angie Power-Disney: MK Ultra Survivor on Identifying & Healing Generational Trauma Cycles”

1 year ago

This week I’m honored to have the opportunity to introduce you to someone who I was first introduced to through Lisa Meister’s podcast, “Only God Rescued Me: My Journey Through Satanic Ritual Abuse” and who’s story had a profound impact on my heart and soul. Introducing - MK Ultra and child abuse survivor, independent investigative journalist, researcher and writer, blogger, podcaster, mother, walking miracle, whistleblower and one of the most important voices of our time: Angie Power-Disney!

When I first listened to @powerdisney 's 5-part testimony on Lisa’s podcast, I cried at the horrors she endured and rejoiced at her strength of spirit and courage to speak her truth. A generational trauma survivor of a cult-active family, Angie and her 4 sisters were sold into the MK Ultra projects by their military-active father as small children and endured horrific orchestrated abuses perpetrated by the Air Force, government, and Military. Angie spent the first 5 years of her life in the hospital for alleged ‘bronchitis’ and was recognized within her military education as being a gifted child. Being raised by a father who was also an internationally recognized dog trainer and breeder as well as restaurant owner, Angie and her sisters always heard and were given excuses as to why they found themselves in situations surrounded by political and societal royalty and aristocracy. Having endured horrific abuses at the hands of perpeTRAITORS, Angie wasn’t conscious of the depth of her abuses as a child, but still found herself rebelling against the programming installed within her unconscious mind. It wasn’t until Angie grew older that she would recall and realize that the abuses, abusers, handlers and doors that would open and close in her life were all orchestrated to keep her asleep to her truth and compliant within the system that was grooming her for her permanent place within the cult. Yet even after years of abuses and torture beyond any comprehension, her abusers underestimated the power of her human spirit and the power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today Angie stands tall in her voice and convictions, speaking up for survivors with courage, and speaking her own truth aloud even when her voice shakes.

It can be traumatic and exhausting for survivors to tell their stories over and over again, so although we will still tie in pieces of Angie’s testimony on this week’s episode, I’m going to link her 5-part series below and would love if you all went and listened to the amazing job she did on Lisa’s podcast getting her story out of her body and into our ears and hearts! Today, Angie will be discussing a very important topic that has been weighing on her heart and that is crucial for us to understand as a society: Generational Trauma and the importance of healing.

Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/f/quotthe-daily-choicequot-a-new-paradigm
YouTube: @powerdisney
Website: https://angelascaches.org/
Telegram: https://t.me/angelapowerdisney
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngelaPowerDis1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angelateresa.powerdisney

Part 1 of 5 (scroll through Lisa's channel to get all 5 pieces to Angie's story): https://youtu.be/krFN3D-UU7o

All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast
Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/
SXS Merch: https://my-store-c980d5.creator-spring.com/
Survivor Store: https://standbysurvivors.com/survivor-store

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