S3E20 | "Laura Worley - 'Puzzle Pieces Together' Seminar & a 'Pathway to Freedom' for Survivors"

1 year ago

This week, we are welcoming back for the 3rd time - SRA and MK Ultra survivor, author, woman of God, speaker, trainer, coach and educator - Laura Worley!

Laura was born into a generational cult family and was sold into the CIA and MK Ultra projects as a child and has since turned her pain into her power. Laura is the author of the break-through book, “Puzzle Pieces to the Cabal, Mind Control and Slavery” - which is based on her own experiences and has been a crucial resource for survivors and those of us on the outside wishing to be empowered with learning the truth of the world we live in. She’s also a podcast host and has her own YouTube channel under her name, Laura Worley. She’s the creator of the Worldwide Transformational Summit and continues to inspire and educate thousands all over the world through public speaking engagements as well as working one-on-one with private clients as a certified holistic practitioner and transformational coach.

And most recently, she has started doing her incredible ‘Puzzle Pieces Together’ 3-day educational seminars around the country AND the wait is over for those of you who’ve been asking about her new book! Introducing “Puzzle Pieces Together: Manual - A Pathway to Freedom”! It JUST launched and we are going to give you all the details on the book and her new 'Puzzle Pieces Together' seminar coming up that we want you to know about so you can make plans to attend!

I absolutely love Laura and all that she’s done for the survivor movement. I’ve learned so much from her and as one of my most requested guests - I know all of you on the other side of the screen love to learn from her as much as I do! Nothing is more inspiring than seeing someone overcome obstacles they were forced to face, and no one is a bigger example and inspiration of overcoming what was meant to break her than Laura!


Website: https://laurajworley.com/author-home/
Laura's Services: https://laurajworley.com/services1/
Laura's NEW and Upcoming 'Puzzle Pieces Together' Las Vegas Seminar: https://laurajworley.com/author-seminars/
Laura's Intensives: https://laurajworley.com/author-intensives/
Laura's First Book: https://www.amazon.com/Puzzle-Pieces-Cabal-Control-Slavery/dp/173741760X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GI4VW9NUQRW5&keywords=laura+worley&qid=1656880184&sprefix=laura+worley%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1
Laura's NEW Book: https://www.amazon.com/Puzzle-Pieces-Together-Pathway-Freedom-ebook/dp/B0BTXSMLFM?ref_=ast_author_dp
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LauraWorleyTASA
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/LauraJWorley
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=laura%20worley&kind=video
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laurajworley5
Telegram: https://t.me/lauraworley

All links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast
Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/
SXS Merch: https://my-store-c980d5.creator-spring.com/
Survivor Store: https://standbysurvivors.com/survivor-store

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