Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-23-23: Problematic Catholic Bookend Beliefs – Part 2

10 months ago

In this three-part series, we’re doing a brief dive into Catholic theology related to the first and last books in the Bible based on a couple of small works by a Catholic priest. These books by Albert Joseph Mary Shannon are titled Genesis – The Book of Origins and Apocalypse – The Book for Our Times.

You’ll recall in Part 1 I expressed confusion as to how this priest could have ended up with Mary as one of his middle names. One of my commenters from Belgium stated that in his country during baptism, there are often surrogate parents who become basically like godparents. These may be actual grandparents who promise to raise the child if anything happens to the birth parents. In this tradition, the name Mary might have been given from one of the grandmothers.

I found this interesting and wanted to pass it on, so Hat Tip to Jaap in Belgium!

As I noted previously, these books are given Catholic sanction for having no doctrinal errors through the awarding of what are called the Nihil obstat and the Imprimatur. You’ll also note in passing that I refrain from referring to the author as “Father” Shannon. Jesus did say, after all, in Matthew 23:9:

And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.

The first book that we completely covered in the prior Prophecy Update provides a Catholic view of Genesis. As I stated, I found that many things the author presented led me to conclude that indeed it’s certainly possible for some Catholics to have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. I have many issues, however, with their understanding of Scripture and believe there is a point at which someone would believe enough incorrect doctrine as to separate himself from Christ and/or never to have been born-again in the first place.

Today in Part 2, we’ll look at how Vatican teaching as shown in this little tome - Apocalypse – The Book for Our Times - discussing Revelation, has serious problems that will lead ultimately to great dismay on the part of the Catholic laity. Proper reading and interpretation of Scripture is vital for one’s spiritual health. As has been said: Poor understanding of eschatology leads to poor understanding of theology.

Gary Ritter website & blog:

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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