Largest Digital Camera Takes 3,200 Megapixel Photo

10 months ago

Largest Digital Camera Takes 3,200 Megapixel Picture.

The Rubin Observatory LSST Camera is the world's largest digital camera to ever be constructed. The 3200 megapixel camera is being assembled to take images for Rubin Observatory's 10-year Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

When one thinks about a camera, thoughts of a handheld mirrorless or a smartphone camera probably come to mind. But when you are wanting to gather a 500 petabyte set of images and data in order to delve further into things such as probing dark energy and dark matter, you are going to need something a lot more powerful and reliable. Especially when you take into account that it must produce extremely high-resolution images with minimal downtime and maintenance. This is why the Rubin Observatory LSST Camera was created.

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