Men CANT Handle Women Who Are MODELS | BBC PODCAST

10 months ago

In this episode Musita💕💕💕, a surgical technician and part-time model, discussed her transition into modeling with Tunchi. She credited Ahmed Long, a local photographer, for giving her a start in the industry. Musita💕💕💕 now works with a few agencies and tries to balance her modeling commitments with her full-time job at Banner. She is single. They discussed the challenges men face when pursuing a career woman, particularly a model, and advised that understanding and making sacrifices is crucial. They also talked about the issue of sharing contact information and the topic of models dating individuals based on status or fame. They ended the meeting discussing the differences between guys girls date casually versus seriously, with Musita💕💕 explaining that a confident and secure guy is more likely to progress to a second date or something more serious.

00:00 Intro
00:42 Musita's Modeling Journey and Relationship Status
04:26 Career Models, Dating, and Sacrifices: Tunchi & Musita Discuss
14:34 Musita's Relationship Journey and Criteria
16:40 Gender Roles, Dynamics, and Time Management
22:53 Gender Norms and Dating Challenges
24:57 Dating Experience Discussion
29:33 Gentleman's Hygiene: Dating Standards Discussed


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