Man has full on conversation with talking beagle

7 years ago

This old Beagle sure has a lot to say about his adventure! He was playing in his yard, minding his own business, when coyotes came out of the bushes and scared him. But he did not wince and instead ponced and the intruders. “This is not your farm!”.

Dad is sure to ask him about every detail of this little encounter. “Did you run like a baby or were you a tough guy?” he asks and pupper barks in agreement, but dad asks him to tell mom the whole story, pupper bows his head down. Poor puppy.

Beagle’s fans like to say that they have a “musical” voice, though your neighbors might beg to differ. The like to sing along with sirens and bark at strangers, but unless they are bored or lonely, they will not peep. So unless you live on a farm like this poor guy, make sure to keep your Beagle occupied.

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