"BIOMETRICS & THE BEAST" - A PROPHECY IN MOTION (Prophecy date Sept. 14, 2021)

1 year ago

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This prophecy God gave me on Sept. 14, 2021, and the video was made Nov. 2021. It is 2023 now, and one of America's top retailers is telling us that by Dec 2023 they will have the exact scanner I spoke about 2 yrs ago, in all locations for use.

(Video) https://youtu.be/C4h81ZbEx1w

Written prophecy:

BIOMETRIC DATA: Anything to do with the field of HUMAN BIOLOGICAL DATA. Anything that can be used as a UNIQUE IDENTIFIER to tag or identify a person by means that is extremely (or impossible) to fake, hack or misinterpret.

BIOMETRIC DATA includes: hair, saliva, fingerprints, palm prints (please do not believe the lies of Amazon & "experts" in this video- the VEIN-MAPPING TECH of palm scans is HOW they will harvest data. They're not after "your palm", it is the UNIQUE PATTERN OF VEINS in every hand is what they want, because nobody can fake their blood vessels.)

BIOMETRICS also include- Retina scans, skin samples, anything that can be taken from your mucous membranes and of course, YOUR ENTIRE FACE (Phone users, you might want to rethink that fingerprint and face unlock feature that many of you already took part in).

BIOMETRICS WILL EVENTUALLY INCLUDE YOUR WEIGHT (SIZE) AND GAIT (HOW YOU WALK) as a means of identifying individuals. They will watch the cameras, see how a person walked in it, then use the gait patterns on file to determine who was near what crime scene or whatever false accusation place they're going to say the person was at. Nothing will be off limit to claim as a biometric puzzle piece and put it into a person's file. The Beast LIVES on data, the more there is to know about a person the easier they are to control. This means people whose entire lives are splashed all over social media are perfect targets for this type of dystopian future.

Amazon has a TERRIBE PRIVACY RECORD. Do not believe the liar "expert" in the video. AMAZON is one of the biggest data harvest platforms on earth- add that combination of DATA to MONEY, unlimited POWER, being in bed with the GOVERNMENT, and you can make up your own mind about whether they will be kosher with how they use your biological data like VEINS and RETINAS in future.

As you can see, all ages are enticed by this but the exact demographic I speak of all the time- YOUNG PEOPLE WHO DON'T THINK FIRST & WANT TO PLAY WITH ALL OF SATAN'S TOYS-*

You can see who is running to get it but all ages will flock to it. Then after the flocking period will come the "You should get it" period, then the MANDATE period and then the "Use it or die" period. That part will never be seen in the ads, just so you know.

The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog is speaking God's truth to the last generation. This is the generation that shall see the earth go through its final changes, until it becomes the Beast system, and all living are going to see these things move forward until all these prophecies are fulfilled. This one is taking shape, & the social credit score of China will also show up in America and everywhere else in the future. Keep your eyes on Jesus, work on your faith, stop looking for a fast exit, & put that precious oil in your lamp. (Matthew 25).

Yah bless you. He said to open comments for this fulfillment; He said "Let them speak, as the words come to pass let them speak because it is their journey too." Shalom, from Celestial.

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