2nd command of the 10 commandments covenant understanding relationship with LORD GOD OF Israel 💜

1 year ago

4“You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
We are called to keep all commandments of
YAHUAH TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITIES! 613 all together you learn them by reading them & them putting them into action! You don't do this for your salvation as the MESSIAH YAHUSHUA IS YOUR ONLY SALVATION! But you do it because you LOVE & are obedient to The LORD GOD YAHUAH & YAHUSHUA WHO BOTH COMMAND THESE TO BE FOLLOWED!! #jesuschristiscomingsoon #blessedbethenameofthelord #repent #anydaynow #secondcommandment #10commandments #keepthecommandments #IfYouLoveTheLordKeepHisCommandments #KEEPallOfHISWord #lastdays
#antichristwillExpectyouBowAndWorshiphim #dontmakeanyimagesofanylikeness #dontworshipnonebutYAHUAHandYAHUSHUA
#dontbeleftbehind #prayalways #antichristisHere #getrightwithGOD
#GetinHolyWord #PracticeYahsWord
#YAHUSHUAHAMASHIACH #beobedienttoTheLORDGODofisrael #antichrist #lastdays
##obeymakesGreatLongLife #dont_forget_to_like_and_subscribe #share #2ndCommand #2ndCommandment #2ndCommandmentofYAH #TenCommandments #10commandments #FirstCommandment #back2YAHSWORD #firstLoveYahuahAnHisWord #writethesecommandments #onyourHeart #obeyGOD #OBEYGODSCommandments #keepCommandments Keeping the commandments will guide you to live a long life a blessed life a good life!!
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#10coversthemAIlBroadly #belnRelationshipWithTHELORD

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