Chuck Todd's Fake News Show Talked About Trump & Spread Democrat Propaganda For The Entire Show

10 months ago

Chuck Todd and all but one of his guests talked about Donald Trump and spread democrat propaganda and lies for the entire one hour fake news show, minus the one minute he talked about the Hawaii fires. Every word out of Chuck and his democrat guests' mouths was obvious democrat propaganda.

Chuck brought on the N. Dakota republican governor, Doug Burgum, for a 9 minute interview. Chuck would not let him talk about his his plans if elected president, his experience, or about his presidential campaign! But Burgum tried. Chuck only asked him questions about Donald Trump and his indictments.

Chuck also brought on a democrat governor, 4 fake news journalists who vote democrat, a few prosecutors who vote democrat, and an ex-FBI agent who votes democrat. They were all anti-Trump.

Meet The Presstitutes is fake news.

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