🔴 Why are there less Serial Killers in USA today? - Birds Eye View

10 months ago

In this episode of the Bird's Eye View WarDuck and Krow discuss why the decline in serial killers in the USA compared to the 1970s. We discuss that this can be attributed to several complex factors, including changes in law enforcement, societal shifts, technological advancements, and cultural landscape alterations.

1. Advancements in Forensics
2. Improved Law Enforcement Practices
3. Changing Demographics
4. Gun Control and Legislation
5. Internet and Surveillance
6. Community Policing
7. Better Mental Health Care

While these factors have likely played a role in the decrease in serial killers, it's essential to continue studying and addressing the issue to prevent any potential resurgence. Serial killing remains a complex and multifaceted problem, and understanding its causes and prevention is an ongoing challenge for society and law enforcement.

Article Link: https://ietv.co/3KNk6e2

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