Ancient Aliens: Hacking NASA Secrets (Season 12, Episode 9) | History

9 months ago

In this episode of Ancient Aliens, we explore the claims of Scottish hacker Gary McKinnon, who claims to have hacked into NASA computers and found evidence of a secret space program involving extraterrestrial technology. We also examine the history of UFO sightings and alien encounters, and the possible implications of this for our understanding of the universe.



McKinnon was arrested in 2002 and charged with 58 counts of computer misuse. He was eventually acquitted of all charges, but he remains a controversial figure.

The evidence that McKinnon claims to have found in NASA computers has never been independently verified.

However, his claims have been taken seriously by some people, who believe that they provide evidence of a secret government program to study extraterrestrial technology.

The episode also features interviews with experts in the field of ancient astronaut research, who discuss the possible implications of McKinnon's claims for our understanding of the universe.

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