Sometimes by Chris Rea ~ Sometimes We All Need God to Repair our Lives...

1 year ago

Sometimes is yet another Brilliant song from Chris Rea and his EPIC Box Set, Blue ELEVEN CD collection where Chris Rea takes the Listener on an Authentic Journey thru the Origins of Blues Music...many have called this Box Set Rea's Opus Creation, an Epic Achievement and one of the most Amazing 'Albums' of all time, with a total of 137 Songs, all written by Chris Rea, achieved by a work schedule that lasted 18 months, 12 hours a Day, 7 Days a Week...the result is nothing short of spectacular...if you do not own this Box Set, you really should as it comes with a lot of Art Work created by Rea himself for the making of this Release, including the Cover Paintings for the Album Box Set itself, plus the 11 Individual Covers for each of the CDs, plus Liner Notes and Lyrics for all of the Songs...

Sometimes is from Disk #10, entitled Latin Blues, and it is a gorgeous track that speaks to the fact that no matter how Suave or Sophisticated we think we are, this Savage World, will always find a way to tear us down, and it is then, Sometimes, that All of us will come to find that we NEED God in our Lives, to Help us Repair all that has come Crashing Down upon us...

It is a Song about the Surrender of the Human Ego to God, of our Pride and Prejudice, in Humility, to learn to become the Penitent Man before God, Humbled of his Pride, and Knowing that our Faith in God is all that can pull us thru the Chaos of this Troubled, Troubled World, Out There...

It is about Letting Go of Worry and Doubt, and learning to Receive the Gifts from God, whatever they may be, which arrive Precisely when God intends them to, not a Moment to Soon, and Never a Moment to is about coming to TRUST in God, ALL TIMES and not just Sometimes...

So, Enjoy this Gorgeous Song, and Fill your Cup with the Sweet Nectar that comes from having Faith in HIM...

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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