George Washington's Crossing of the Delaware River

9 months ago

George Washington's Crossing of the Delaware River

hIt's Finally Happening - The American People Do Not Trust Their Government

Donald Trump leads attacks on 'most corrupt president in American history' after Joe Biden's re-election launch

A Must Watch - Mark Levin Show RT by President Trump
"A.G. Garland and Jack Smith, they are the criminals, not Donald Trump". Mark Levin
GA Fraud Was The Worst Of All

Motion To Dismiss Trump Indictment - Trump Has Absolute Immunity
“The 2020 Election was rigged, there are several task forces…” Dr. Jan Halper Hayes
"Trump's Lead Is Even Larger.. Look At These Leads For Donald Trump..." CNN
Donald Trump Is Leading In The Polls Because.... #JFKJRLIVES

35 Years Ago Trump Talked About Stopping Sending Our Money Abroad

McCarthy backs effort to expunge Trump impeachments
I shared this news back in June when it came out, but what is significant about it now is President Trump is sharing it while thanking Kevin, saying Time has proven him right. #Correct #TimingIsEverything

Jan Halper Hayes - my new personal hero “To Give the Right Information to the Psyop Team” - Suspect 🤔

Colonel MacGregor Interviews With Tucker - Listen To His Words

Hawaii's Dem governor blames climate change for Maui wildfires while simultaneously promising to make 'no excuses' - Hawaii Gov. Agrees Climate Change ‘Amplified the Cost of Human Error’ on Maui Fires

Governor Josh Green says More than 1,000 are still Unaccounted, Many of them are Children that May Never be Found

Maui Police Chief is Arresting People for “Trespassing” & Encourages People to Dox the Trespasser
"Remember the train derailments? Now their weapon of choice is fire. First Hawaii, then Canada, now New York. What's next for mysterious fires? DC?" @Fletch17
"Maui Is The Greatest Disaster Since Pearl Harbor." @jackPoso

Biden says devastation in Hawaii is 'overwhelming' as he and Jill survey damage before he gives rambling speech in Lahaina where 114 died and 850 are still missing - as locals tell him 'he's too late'

Biden Welcomed By Angry Maui Residents Upon Arrival Following Deadly Wildfire, President Makes Jokes While Surveying The Damage - 'You're Too Late' - Biden To Maui: I Lost My House Too #Disgusting

MARCH TO THE MAJORITY: Newt Ginrich on the '94 Republican Revolution and Why Donald Trump will be Nominated in a Landslide | TRIGGERED

#HotDogBoy - Speaking of hotdogs, did you hear this?
These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030

Treason At The Highest Level #ElectionInterference

RIP Adam Rich, child actor who starred on Eight is Enough, dead at 54 he said, "I am vaccinated because I trust the science."

The Lockdowns Are Coming Back


It's Happening Right Here Trailer

‘Sound of Freedom’ Director Says Potential Sequel Would Focus on Haiti: ‘This Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg’ - Enjoy the show!ttps://

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