15 Richest Wives In The World...

1 year ago

15 Richest Wives In The World...
Ever wondered who the world's richest woman is? We frequently read about billionaire boys club members like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and others. The other half of humanity, though, is what keeps the world running. Let's learn more about the world's wealthiest ladies.In the last two decades, women have made great strides. Many women have smashed the glass ceiling as a result of the liberalisation of previously conservative gender ideas. They have effectively established themselves in fields of business, corporate employment, and other economic endeavours that were once the exclusive preserve of men. The richest individuals in the world are listed on Forbes’ annual compilation of the world’s billionaires. Surprisingly, there are a lot more billionaires in the globe than you might think: This year, 2,668 billionaires are listed by Forbes. What do you think of that? More than 2,600 persons have a net worth greater than $1 billion. The fact that there are only 327 women on the list, though, is even more astounding. The figures will undoubtedly need some time to balance out, but we’ll get there. These women either founded or co-founded their own businesses or made investments that paid off handsomely. Hello viewers. Welcome to today’s episode. Let’s start the countdown and introduce ourselves to the top 15 richest women in the world. Do well to subscribe to Africa Reloaded if you find the video interesting.

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