10 years ago

New Zealand has some of the best trout fishing in the world!

Every year, thousands of international visitors wade pristine rivers in search of the freshwater game fish.

Large brown trout abound some back-country streams, and feisty rainbows reach weights of double figures in many regions. But there’s a problem facing New Zealand fishing, and it’s toxic, very toxic.

The Department of Conservation is using helicopters to aerially spread the deadly pesticide 1080 poison across New Zealand’s forests and streams. The poison is targeted at introduced possums and bush rats, but many other animals, birds and insects are killed, including deer.

The poison contaminates the food chain, and in a rare admission, the Department of Conservation is warning fishermen to avoid eating their catch, despite paying for the privilege …

This video clip shows that the poisoning of New Zealand's trout goes much further than a few pesky mice...

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