Self-hoovering, Narcissism: Trauma or Role Play?

9 months ago

No contact except in hoovering?

Narcissists in stable long-term relationships do not discard? Self-hoovering as trauma bonding response, island of stability: habituated automatic hoovering.

But self-hoovering can be unlearned, narcissism cannot.

NPD is both a post-traumatic condition and a role play.

Grandiosity (cognitive distortion), shared fantasy (fantasy defense), lack of empathy, and some traits are fixtures.

But their expression is acquired, a role play. Behavior modification is common in therapy, army, prison, hospital (total institutions).

WATCH Narcissist's Victim: NO CONTACT Rules

WATCH How to Tell Apart Narcissist, Psychopath, Borderline (Hint: Stability Island)

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