Corsair a1600 : "Eye of Sauron"

1 year ago

The short version is that my previous laptop took a lightning strike and I bit the bullet to replace it.

The laptop that I bought, a Corsair a1600 AMD Advantage Edition, has inaccurate, misleading, and outright missing information on it's product page. What you buy isn't what Corsair says they are selling you.

The inaccuracies on the product page combine with multiple software faults and failures, including contracting out branded package development, that render this laptop more of a prototype that's still 6 to 8 months out from retail release as the software developers finish up their tasks.

Now, to be fair here, on 8/21/23 Corsair Support has responded to the email I sent them on 8/17/23. However, as this video was already in production (scripting/recording) I decided to not open that email and give Corsair a chance to respond to this video FIRST as the video version dives down the various rabbit holes as to why the unfinished/broken software packages and missing firmware/drivers are massive issues.

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