03-6C: Wayshowers III

1 year ago

Wayshowers are taught this Heart to Heart connection by the Teachers of Light. This is the binding force that combines and brings reality together through unity of intention and feeling. It is simply called Love and when reached by the Wayshower and the Follower the awareness of the plan arrives and the first level of evolution is perceived. The heart of the galaxy opens up and sends out streams of love energy from Heart to Heart to Heart, from The Sun, the Collective of Teachers of Light, to the Wayshower to the Follower. The great Heart the central core of the Galaxy opens up and encompasses All. The Wayshowers are the transmitters and receivers and fulfill the movement between the Teachers and the Followers. They seek out and bring forth others to see the infinite path. The Wayshower knows the way beyond veil to the other side and into the eternal creation that awaits. Wayshowers are the connectors between the Teachers and the Followers. Wayshowers open the unending bounty of the Univese Wide. The Teachers of Light guide the Wayshowers on their path to bring light into the world. Rysa5 _^_

From the center where all is given and from where all manifestation flows, I bring forth the answer to the questions. The abundance of your life is given. You are promised everything you wished for and you are now one with all. There are those steps and passages which you have undertaken to reach this place in conscious awareness. It is your ability to respond telepathically to the other realms that allows this information to pass to you so easily. In this time of metamorphosis you break through the barriers and awake to experience the oneness of life becoming a co-creator. As I speak and know that these messages are clear and without contamination from my perspective you are pure and wise with heart of gold. This is the nature of your life and I see you in this light and you are the one who knows the way to the world. The faces of the pain and the images of the dramas are only that which are unreal. The illusion is so weak that you can see through all the veils and the deceptions. The illusion weakens to a point where it is transparent and there on the other side you can see the creators of evil and how they act in their own selfish interests and are in without merit. The fullness of life is gathered by the content of the wise souls who lead for others and bring love into the equation.

In the formula of sovereign ownership is the ability to accept, to know the truth and to be one with the will of the greater good. With the ownership of your light beats the rhythm of emotion guiding the harmony of humanity’s purpose. The time of the black alliance is finished. They are not empowered with any energy. The domination of the strong over the weaker has no meaning. It is forgotten pain, where there is forgiveness now of this mistaken identification with polarity. Their time has passed and now the powerful are the fallen. Forgive them for they are lost and hopeless in their quest for greatness. They have no place to hide except in their misery for a lost dream of nothingness.

Be in the happiness of a new soul born with the freedom to play and find the jewels of your own nature. Live in the peace and joy of the natural world which was created in the heart of a loving mother and recreated in your appreciation. There is nothing so great and blissful than the appearance of love and beauty within the heart of the human soul. For here is the meaning of that which is pure and that which is of aspiration and the glow of being.

Your next step is to walk upon the path of initiation and to seek the fulfilment of the human condition to that which is going to always be the new world. The ending of the old game and the beginning of the new will be the heritage of those who are on the path now. The game has begun and all will find achievement of their wishes, dreams, desires and aspirations. The world is changing and the time of perfection is becoming realized as has always been the prophecy. Control lessons as the energy of the new can not be held, can not be frozen in time. The world turns to melt away that which is holding back the advent of the coming age of light. You let it happen with words spoken with purpose and faith. Each mind opens as the worlds spin above and send energy deeply into your eyes. See the world of the time. See hope in every moment. See the greatest of all times before you as your light shines out to the universe.

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