08.06.23 "We Are Remarkable & Impressive – Behold"

11 months ago

I recently returned from a wonderful and very healing 5 day trip to my hometown on the East Coast, Canastota New York, to visit with my biological sisters, attend my high school reunion, and inspect properties I own and rent with my sister Sara. I am grateful for the miracle manifestation of affordable air travel which heals the illusion of separation between my biological family, my childhood home, and my home of choice of San Francisco, California on the other side of the country. "Every situation properly perceived becomes an opportunity to heal the Son of God." (OrEd.Tx.19.2) There was so much healing packed into this quick 5 day trip.

However the truth is there is healing packed into every day of our lives wherever we are and whatever we may be doing. Plus, if we are doing our best to live the guided, purposeful life then that healing is maximized and it is important for us to behold that healing. That is why it is important to start every day with time with God. "... it is well to start the day right. It is always possible to begin again, should the day begin with error, yet there are obvious advantages in terms of saving time if the need for this can be avoided." (OrEd.Mn.16.2) It is important to start every day by beholding the healing manifested and extended from the day before. "Forget not that the healing of God's Son is all the world is for. That is the only purpose the Holy Spirit sees in it and thus the only one it has." (OrEd.Tx.24.52)

Our healing purpose was given to us. It is not up to us to invent. It is revealing itself to us in every instant. It is not hiding. Perhaps we have hidden from it, but now is the time to stop hiding. Now is the time to embrace our Divine birthright and to behold all the miracles and healing this embrace will reveal. "Behold" is an interesting word. It means "to see or observe a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one." We are to behold our lives and all the miracles it presents. Our life and all the people in it are remarkable and impressive. "Let me behold the Son of God today and witness to his glory." (OrEd.WkBk.250.1) We are the Child of God. We are glorious. We are remarkable and impressive. Behold!

29 min.

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