What Really Causes Killer Wildfires: Why Is This Not Reported

10 months ago

I have been reporting on wildfires for years and this crisis has gotten progressively worse. Today, massive wildfires are devastating many parts of the world, everywhere from the heartbreaking carnage in Maui, to the destruction in California, Canada and Europe etc. These global wildfires are killing people and destroying property at catastrophic rates.
There are many reasons for wildfires, yet the climate change connection is constantly blamed for this. Much of the Mainstream Media and most climate scientists insist climate change is the culprit… end of story. Certainly climate change should be taken seriously, and this warming of the earth does contribute to the severity of wildfires. However, realistically speaking, are we doing society a disservice when we continually blame climate change for these blazes. Could there be something else going on here?
I speak with firefighters, many of whom are afraid to talk on camera, for fear of political incorrectness. So I interview them “off the record” and some of them tell me climate change is a secondary concern. First, they say we have serious public policy issues with regards to wildfire mitigation throughout the U.S. Then they cite the dangerous issues with utility companies and their damaged power lines, and their aging and failed infrastructure systems that are sparking fires all over. In addition, firefighters explain about all the unreported cases of arson, as well as homeless people accidentally setting fire to their own encampments that are never reported. And then, there is the fact that real estate developers continue to build in areas that are extremely vulnerable to wildfires, and where no construction of new housing should take place. Yet these developers build anyway, risking lives in the process.
Firefighters also tell me there has to be more consistent brush clearing, better wild land management and better livestock vegetation management. They are critical of many utility agencies, state officials, the Bureau of Land Management and the Federal Government for their negligence, lack of action and zero accountability. Some fire officials have explained to me that this inaction is partly why we have an increased number of wildfires with people killed unnecessarily. Often, the Mainstream Media chooses not to explain all of this, and simply reverts back to the climate change narrative. This skewed narrative often keeps the focus on the politics of climate change as opposed to mitigating a global crisis and saving lives.
How many more people have to be killed and how much more property has to be lost, before we stop being hysterical over climate change, and just begin doing something constructive about the serious wildfire problem in the United States and throughout the world. Unless we begin having some common sense conversations and some common sense solutions, these massive wildfire disasters like Maui are going to continue. This is reporter David Nazar and here is my common sense conversation with two experts discussing wildfires and climate change.

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