S3E9 | Sian Gissing: Targeted Mother Turned Law Student Exposes SRA & Secret Societies in the Courts

1 year ago

This episode is EXPLOSIVE! I’m honored to introduce to you this week someone who caught my eye on social media, had an immediate impact on my heart, and whose voice I knew needed to be featured in a podcast episode: mother, podcaster and content creator, child abuse and family court advocate, and Litigation Consultant, Sian Gissing. Sian is a mother of 3 who lost parental rights to her children through the corrupt Family Court system and has since become one of the boldest and bravest public advocates of court reform in the world and a voice that will go down in history as one of the most influential of our time.

If you’ve been following my podcast, you have seen many other examples of innocent parents watching helplessly as their children are trafficked through or abused by the Family Court systems to horrific abusers, and the ways these systems and those running the systems then go on to abuse the innocent parents and children in and out of court. If you get a lot out of this episode - which I know you will - you can go back in my archive and watch conversations with numerous other parents who are fighting the same uphill battle Sian is. These stories may be disturbing, but they are far from being sparse.

Her podcast, “Sian Gissing: Litigation Consultant” is a powerful tool in educating those of us on the outside looking in eager to learn as well as educating and empowering parents all over the world on their rights and how they can step into their own sovereignty and power. Today, we are going to get to know Sian as both a mother and a Litigation Consultant as she uses personal experiences to educate on us the law and the procedures open to all parents and victims in the hope they can get access to justice to hold their abusers accountable. This is going to be a jam-packed episode you’ll want to listen to more than once. Please make sure to give Sian your full attention and grab a pen and paper as you’ll be learning a ton!

In this episode, Sian talks about her journey and reasons of returning to law school and how she plans on helping bring justice to survivors of SRA and crimes against children by exposing the system from within. Sian details how the system currently works, PROVES satanic ritual abuse exists (and comes with receipts!), and how she plans on being a beacon of hope for parents, victims and survivors.

Website: https://www.siangissingmcmeel.co.uk/
Instagram: @sian.gissing - https://www.instagram.com/sian.gissing/
YouTube: @SianGissing
Podcast on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4EZBj8G4CAQUSJdjfH4W92?si=DpP6SCIiTF609THS0JanDA
Podcast on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sian-gissing-podcast-mother-litigation-consultant-public/id1544299245

Case Law on SRA:
1. Rochdale Brough Council v A and others [1991] 2 FLR 192 - https://swarb.co.uk/rochdale-metropolitan-borough-council-v-a-1991/
2. A Local Authority v X and others [2021] EWFC 91
3. Re C (minors) [1991] 1 FCR 57
4. Re F and another (children) (sexual abuse allegations) [2022] EWCA Civ 1002 - https://www.familylawweek.co.uk/site.aspx?i=ed230389

Thomas Paine - Rights of Man, Common Law
Mark Elliot and Robert Thomas 2nd Edition - 'Public Law'

All social media / podcast links: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast
Website: https://standbysurvivors.com/
SXS Merch: https://my-store-c980d5.creator-spring.com/
Survivor Store: https://standbysurvivors.com/survivor-store

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