S2E46 | Rachelle - Beautifully Broken: The Dualities of Complex Trauma, Healing & Love for Survivors

1 year ago

This week I’m honored to have mother, survivor, content creator, dancer, voice for the voiceless, and literal walking miracle - Rachelle aka: Tiny Dancer and Beautifully Unbroken, back on the show for a continuation of the conversation we had about her upbringing and how she was able to find redemption amongst all the trauma and pain she faced in a generational abuse family cycle. If you missed Rachelle’s first interview - you should absolutely go back and listen to it before or after this interview - I’ll have it linked below!

Rachelle’s story is incredibly inspirational - to give some context to what we talked about in the first interview, we began her story talking about a rare medical condition she discovered she had called MDDS that reared it’s ugly head on the last day of a cruise she took - shaking her world up and turning it upside down. Suddenly, she went from being a high-functioning mother, dancer, nurse, and wife to having an identity crisis while dealing with a debilitating condition that has very little research and discovery around the cause and so far, there is no cure. Having known her childhood wasn’t ‘normal’ through some memories she had remembered throughout her life, she began having a breakthrough of memory recall in the months and years after being diagnosed with MDDS that helped her begin to piece together more pieces of the mystery of her life.

Her discoveries included familial sexual abuse, generational freemasonry, satanic ritual abuse, DID, and all the tell-tale signs of being born into an occult family. Rachelle is still putting together the pieces and discovering memories, but there are certainly some strange parallels between trauma, MDDS, and many of the events that have happened in Rachelle’s life.

Today, Rachelle will be elaborating on her story and talking about her teenage and later years and the memories she’s remembered and recalled that outline and detail that part of her life as well as go deeper into the discoveries she’s made through her online MDDS community and her own research. When I say this girl is going to change the world - I couldn’t be more serious.

Rachelle’s story has deeply impacted me and I hope you pay attention and garner as much inspiration as I have from her. She’s truly an embodiment of living the word of Jesus and a powerful example of what’s possible on the other side of healing. From beautifully broken to beautifully whole, I am so thrilled to have back on the show this week - woman of God, child abuse advocate, artist, and my dear, dear friend - Rachelle!

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