TRUMP TRIAL- Georgia moves to impeach Fani Willis- Doug in Exile 8 18 2023

10 months ago

Clip from Doug in Exile
Trump "THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK" see below.
Matthew Whitaker speaks with Stewart Varney about State actions.
Btw Matt is a very good man whom I met last month and I ask you to follow him, as Acting Attorney General for Trump I believe is next in line for DOJ appointment when Trump returns. President Trump is out there BOLD and in Charge and said on this TRUTH today:
Trump Truth
Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent Crime DISASTERS in American History. In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for “Murder,” but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL! She campaigned, and is continuing to campaign, and raise money on, this WITCH HUNT. This is in strict coordination with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ. It is all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE!
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These people are sick!

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