Songbird Decode published in 2020 before movie came out quietly deleted - is coming true in 2023!

10 months ago

Songbird predictive programming decode - that all takes place in 2023!!! Notice the 'Every Little Thing...Is Gonna Be Alright' song, and where else its used (I Am Legend, World War Z, etc). Its so strange to hear myself talking about how everything will happen in 2023. assuming the lockdowns start September 15, 2023 that would mean this movie takes place after the rapture and specifically on or around April 15 2024.

Of course, when I made this I was certain the rapture was coming in 2020, but I was young in my walk and freshly woken up from the Matrix, so you'll have to forgive me. I also misspeak and replaced the 1290 days from the bible with 1490 days. All I can say is I've since made 170 videos, and as the old man on the cart said in Monty Python's The Holy Grail..."I got better". :) If you still wanna mock - all I can say is Laugh while you can, monkey boy.

Published on Election Day Nov 3 2020, and soon after Trump's "loss" I was awakened from his spell and quit all that crazy QAnon garbage. This was the 8th video I made after I first became a watchman for our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, originally published on Youtube November 3, 2020 and backed up on BrandNewTube. BrandNewTube banned my account after about my tenth video, and YouTube deleted this video about a month after I posted was one of my first strikes. Originally titled: 'New Movie Coming Out to Deceive Those Left Behind To Accept Mark of the Beast'. Reason its deletion startled me, was because when YouTube started giving me problems, I began backing up everything onto Rumble and BitChute...and now that everyone is talking about SongBird again I was like "Oh, I gotta share that video!" only to discover it was gone. Happily I maintain multiple offline back-ups. (In your face, Satan).

In this video I also mention an earlier video titled 'The Antichrist is already here', which was also purged from all platforms.

Things to watch for in the decode: All seeing eye of Horus, heat (fever) sensing mobile phone tech, pandemic lockdowns...they talk about the 213th day of the new lockdown, so assuming the lockdowns start September 15, 2023 that would mean this movie takes place after the rapture and specifically on or around April 15 2024, FEMA separating and removing non-compliant and shooting them on sight - while the compliant get to live in smart cities, mark of the beast, informing on neighbors - love of many will grow cold, your mobile phones will inform on you using A.i., jobs will be gone, and even those that were compliant must perform murder contracts or sex acts for their captors to survive, I draw correlations to other movies like I Am Legend and World War Z taking place at or just after the timeline of SongBird.

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