7.16.2023: Parable of the Fig Tree

10 months ago

Parable of the Fig Tree
Pastor Matt Haflett
Matthew 24:32-44

1. Signs of the time.
• The signs come from Gods Word alone.
• Wars, kingdom against kingdom, earthquakes, famines are the beginning of birth pains. (Mark 13:3-9)
• Many will come, claiming to be “anointed”, bringing false teachings of the Word. (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

2. Be Ready. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11)
• The generation that sees the beginning will also see the end.
• The Gospel must reach the world (Mark 13:10)
• Technology, missionaries, and evangelists are reaching nations that were unreachable in the past, helping to fulfill Gods Word.
• Jesus is coming like a thief in the night. Prepare for it.
• Live for Jesus faithfully, but never forget that He promised to come back soon.
• Keep one eye in the sky, and one on the plow.
• Continue to encourage and build each other up

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