End of the world: The reason behind everything happening in the world right now

1 year ago

The reason behind everything you see happening in the world right now, is as simple as it is terrifying. Many are waking up to the realities of the World Economic Forum, the UN, the coup taking place in the USA, the EU and those players. Many are realizing that a massive power grab is happening, people are loosing freedoms and sovereignty. But why?

It's not Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates or any specific person or even organization masterminding all this. What you see around you, the insanity of it all - even UFO hearings in the senate and remote island cities being torched to the ground somehow, total censorship regimes quickly being enacted, worldwide pandemic with forced injection of the world population, etc, is because of this reason alone...

Let's look at the US economy:
$33 trillion of federal debt
$70 trillion of combined government, corporate and household debt
$1 trillion of annual interest payments on debt
$1 trillion of annual trade deficit
$1 trillion of credit card debt with 20% interest rates
Massive housing bubble
Stock market inflated by financial engineering
$600 trillion of derivatives - fugazi - pretending to be assets of banks
All wealth effect induced by dollar's temporary status as global reserve currency

$70 trillion of government, household, corporate debt.

The western financial system has collapsed. It takes the rest of the world with it if they don't manage to create a separate economy fast enough. And everyone is grabbing as much of what there is to be had, as fast as they can, before the mother of all crashes inevitably happens.

Why would you need dictator-like ruthless power of every citizens autonomy, every piece of information must be controlled and censored, crushing every attempt at forming a resistance or political opposition, and central bank digital currencies for complete control?

Because people will revolt. The entire civilization is collapsing. It will be mayhem. So they need to cull us, as few people as possible alive when the financial rigged system implodes, as few competitors for the resources as possible.

Everyone is trying to protect themselves and their families, get as much of everything as possible. Elites, politicians, corporations. All of them. They're taking everything. Those of us who survives until then, will perish in the collapse through bloody uprisings, ethnic cleansings, civil wars and pandemonium like the world has never seen. This is possibly the way of human kind, and this is possibly the answer to Fermis paradox.

We did the ultimate hubristic mistake. It was never nuclear weapons. It was inventing currency that was only theoretical, based on trust instead of gold, used to take and give loans with interest instead of bartering goods and services.

When you realize this is what lies behind everything, the reason behind the power grabbers urge to ensure they own as much as possible of everything, you will understand that perhaps you too - if you were given a position that allows it - would desperately loot as much as you can before we face the end of civilization. And perhaps you should.

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