Nick Vujicic: Plays golf, surfs and swims without arms and legs

1 year ago

Learn to value the simple things! This is the life lesson given to us by 26-year-old Nick Vuijicic, who was born without hands and feet. Most people do not know how to appreciate simple things, family, health or friends. Many have the impression that all these things are worthy and see them as natural. But there are people for whom tomorrow is the true miracle and a new struggle for survival.
Nick Vuijicic was born without any limbs!
Invata sa pretuiesti lucrurile simple! Este lectia de viata pe care ne-o da Nick Vuijicic de 26 de ani, care s-a nascut fara maini si fara picioare. Majoritatea oamenilor nu stie sa aprecieze lucrurile simple, familia, sanatatea sau prietenii. Multi au impresia ca toate lucrurile acestea sunt binemeritate si le vad drept naturale. Insa exista persoane pentru care ziua de maine reprezinta adevaratul miracol si o noua lupta pentru supravietuire.
Nick Vuijicic s-a nascut fara nici un membru

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