Shake It Off

1 year ago

Shake It Off

There is an interesting story about the Apostle Paul in the Bible (Acts 28) where the viper bit him and he shook it off and nothing happened to him and it caused the people to not focus on their situation, but to focus on the God of miracles. So today, the Lord is telling us to “shake it off”! We all have been bit by the viper, our enemy who is stirring up chaos in our lives, we need to do like Paul did. Shake it off.

Why is it that the bad things take the center of our focus? It seems like all we hear about, see and talk about are all the things that are going wrong in all of our cultural chaos? Honestly, I think we need to acknowledge and think first on the good things that are happening all around us.(Proverbs 3;1-6) The beauty of God in our lives. Maybe it is time to “shake it off” and start developing a new habit of looking for the good and feeling the Awe of God, for the good things that are going on, instead of the fear and dread of the bad things and bad things to come.

We miss so many of the good things because we are focused on the bad things. (1 Peter 5:7) Be grateful, Awe-God grateful for the every day things that are so evidently God working for our good. God is mighty in all of His days, we are flesh, truth and we do have bad days, we should learn to shake off the heaviness in our spirit. Rehearse the truth of God: Our family belongs to God. Our Culture belongs to God. Our nation belongs to God. Our world belongs to God. God has not relinquished the control over us to the enemy. So shake it off, (Psalm 55;22)the fear, dread, anxiety and bad thoughts and put on the garment of praise, thankfulness and gratefulness.

There are bad things going on, YES, BUT God is working things out for our good and has never stopped doing that from generation to generation. God remains the same God, He is faithful, trustworthy and has and still does love us so much. Remember that God has proven He is trustworthy, faithful and mighty to save us, time and time again throughout the ages as He intervenes on our behalf, fighting the battles of evil for us.(2 Chronicles 20) Jesus told us that we would have troubles in the world, but He also told us that He has overcome the world.

The Word of God speaks (Psalm 34:19), saying that many trials will we face, but God will make a way of escape for each one of them. So, let’s refocus our lives on the good and the glory of God that is happening in our situations every single day and let’s be Awe-GOD grateful, developing our Awe of God more than our dread of the enemy of our soul. Can we do that? Yes we can! Easy-peasy! It is just a wholly-holy realignment with Jesus, a change of focus! God bless you!
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