Chat GPT - How To Make $213 USD per day (Or More) - Amazon SEO

10 months ago

This video is about how to use chat GPT to make $213 a day on average by creating Amazon product descriptions and increasing Amazon SEO for companies. The speaker explains that many companies have great products, but their product descriptions are poor, and as a marketer or copywriter, you can offer your services to improve them.

He uses and Amazon to show the average base salary for a copywriter is $55,463 per year and then divides that by the number of working days to get $213.31 per day as a conservative estimate. He then goes on to show how to find products on Amazon that have poor product descriptions and use chat GPT to write a 1500-word product description. The video concludes by saying that the copy generated by chat GPT is excellent, but can be made even better with editing and asking Chat GPT to write it based on specific demographics (age, gender, etc).

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