My Mother is In and Out of ICU Needing BiPAP, High CO2 for COPD, What Should I Do?

1 year ago

My Mother is In and Out of ICU Needing BiPAP, High CO2 for COPD, What Should I Do?

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Hello, and welcome to another Intensive Care at Home livestream.

Thank you so much for coming on live to the show, or if you’re watching this on replay, I appreciate all of you for your ongoing support.

If you like the content that I’m creating, I encourage you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, click the like button, click the notification bell, and share the video with your friends and families, of course. Also, comment or ask questions while I’m live on the stream here.

Today’s show will be about, “My mother is in and out of ICU needing BIPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure). She has high CO2 (carbon dioxide) for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). What should I do? Is home care an option?” We will talk about this question from a reader today in much detail, and I will also answer your questions.

If you have any questions, type them into the chat pad and I will get to them as quickly as possible. Also, for anyone watching this on replay, I know most people don’t have the time to get on a livestream, but they watch this on replay. Again, I want to encourage you to post your questions on the chat pad. I will get back to them or make another video about it. One way or another, your question will be answered, but often not in real time, especially if you’re watching it on replay.

In case you’re wondering what makes me qualified to talk about today’s topic, again, my name is Patrik Hutzel, I am a critical care nurse by background. I have worked in critical care for over 20 years in three different countries. I have also worked as a nurse unit manager for over five years whilst working in critical care. I’m also the founder and managing director of Intensive Care at Home. In Intensive Care at Home nursing service, where we are predominantly looking after long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomy at home instead of ICU. We’re providing a genuine alternative to a long-term stay in intensive care. We’re also looking after patients that are on BIPAP, which is our topic today, BIPAP, CPAP. We are also providing home TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition), IV infusion, such as saline, electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, IV antibiotics. Pretty much anyone that needs a critical care nurse in the community, we can provide that with Intensive Care at Home.

We have been in business for the last 10 years. I’ve also been part of pioneering Intensive Care at Home in Germany over 20 years ago. I have a lot of experience in that space, and I argue we are the market leader for Intensive Care at Home in Australia currently. We employ hundreds of years of intensive care nursing experience and critical care nursing experience in the community, which I believe is unmatched by any other provider. We also are the only provider in Australia that actually has third-party accreditation for Intensive Care at Home. We have all the policies, procedures, we have the know-how. We have thing intellectual property to make that happen. We also employ hundreds of years of critical care nursing experience in the community, which is once again, unmatched by any other providers.


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