Why do Bodybuilders eat so much Chicken Breast? Best Protein sources to build muscle

6 years ago

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Why do bodybuilders eat so much chicken breast? In this video we take a look at this as well as compare it to some of the best protein sources out there to build muscle.

One of the problems with having meat sources for protein is that it can make hitting our macros a bit of a challenge when it comes to fats. Chicken breast is super lean so for a 6 ounce or 170 gram piece your getting 40 grams of protein and only 2 grams of fat. The only meats off the top of my head that are leaner are skinless turkey breast and cod fish. Both good protein sources in their own right.

One of the advantages of having chicken breast over say a whey isolate, and I must say that why isolate is the most absorbable form of protein out there right up there just above eggs and milk products. As well as you get more protein per calorie than any other food. But chicken breast has the advantage when it comes to the micro nutrient department. This is where whole foods beat processed foods every time and whey isolate is a processed food.

Chicken breast has lots of different vitamins and minerals.

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