Get into the best shape of your life for this summer! Get lean, shredded and buff.

6 years ago


Summer is coming!! And this year we have decided we are going to get into the best shape of our lives! We are going to be buff!! But there is only 3 more months until summer so we have to get shredded fast!

Three months is actually a fair bit of time to make some substantial changes in your body. But where you end up is partially based on where you are now and what you do between now and summer.

First we need to set up a reasonable and achievable goal a pound a week is a good goal for most people. But when it comes to diet it isn't all about eating less, some foods you may need to eat more of. Protein is an example of that.

If your training program has been working up until now don't change it just because you are losing weight for summer. If you want to look good this summer then you need to train your whole body not just your abs. Increasing your cardio makes sense but make sure you leave enough time for recovery.

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